One mysteries day at home making a peanut butter sandwich I saw my bread disappear there goes another thing that just disappeared I quickly ran to my antihy but she disappeared as well I was frightened so I picked the phone and called 911 then that disappeared why is everything disappeared maybe is my brother na he’s in australia what if he came back and he’s play tricks on me . So I made a list of all the things that went missing. Thing that went missing cake,candle,mum,bread,phone. I wonder how these are going away what a minute this all must be a dream so I pinched myself and I woke up in my bed so i was dream wow something just disappeared jokes.
This morning we all completed our first writhing sample for 2013
I have posted just as I wrote in the 40 minuets that we got given
so throughout the year i can look back as see how good I am
at writing hope you enjoy.